Ultrasonic Sensor Based Radio Radar


 Hello guys welcome to the Electronics Creator blog 

 in the todays tutorials we will make Ultrasonic sensor based radio radar...

you can view this video directly from here......

Lets go....

First of all get these three components 

Arduino Nano 

Ultrasonic Sensor 

 SG 90  micro sero motor

setup like this

downlioad the circuit diagram from here

Download code from here
and upload in arduino but firstly download the servo motor in arduino IDE

after uploading the PROGRAM download the Processing 4 software from here 

and open it....

and copy the code from here but before uploading type your com port name...

for please copy these line and search in program 

 myPort = new Serial(this,"COM10", 9600); 


and lastly simply run the program to sho the output 

i hope guys you are understaned this video and learn somthing new from this video. so, we will meat in the next one until then take care and by byyyyy.....

thanks for reading this blog....

team THE ELECTRONICS CREATOR..................

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