Smart IoT based Ventilator (version second)


 Smart IoT based Ventilator  version second.......

hello guys in this video I am once again showing you the ventilator project which was already shown you in last year.

this is a version second of the ventilator project.................

but why I am make this second version...

1st of all this project is most sold project on our channel The Electronics Creator, when I delivered this project to many deploma or degree student the feedback comes form them 
many errors are comming in the project, so I am started the working on the project and start to finding errors, at which type of errors are coming in the Project.

so, after the one Month reasearch the errors are founds and all are the errors are type of the technical errors.

mainly that errors are create from the Servo motor Mechanism and its regulator circuit..

so, after the finding this type of errors I need to redesigned the all the mechanism and starting to convert it into the smooth working.

This is the main problem that solved by the this motor mechanism.

and the automatically another errors that is the heating problem in the regulator circuit, in Servo Motor, in the Power Adaptor, and also in arduino.....

the main thing is that the problem is comes in to pressing  Ambu bag this problem is totally eliminated from this project. 

also in the previous version the itrupts was came to send data to blynk Application that also eliminate from this Project

right now the project work on the 12v and 2 Amp power supply.

and its working properly 


project woking overview

CIRCUIT working video.



You can see the what changes are done in the motor mechanism


This is the previous mechanism of the Servo motor

this is the updated mechanism 

this pics and video  you can use when you make this project by itself.

this is the regulator circuit that made by using the 7805 regulator in poarallel connections

this is the BPM  system by usin the NODE MCU and MAX30100 oximeter sensor....

This is the circuit that control the ventilation of the AMBU BAG 
means its control the SERVO MECHANISM.

This is the internal structure of the project circuiterry...

this is the outer look of the CIRCUIT BOX.



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